Suicide Prevention Resources for Schools
The Schools Committee makes recommendations on programs and processes for improving suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention in Oregon schools and colleges.
Part of the work this Committee is working on is SB 52, also known as Adi’s Act. More information about Adi’s Act can be found here. To help schools implement this in their districts, the Alliance created a document that shows some resources created for schools. This, as well as other school resources, can be found below.
For more information, contact Annette Marcus.
School Suicide Prevention Resource Catalog
For more information, contact Jon Rochelle.
Lines for Life Step-by-Step Guide.
For more information, contact Kahae Rikeman.

Big River Suicide Prevention Trainings
Sources of Strength: Liz Thorne
QPR: Crystal Larson
safeTALK & ASIST: Tim Glascock
Mental Health First Aid; Maria Gdontakis Pos
Connect: Kris Bifulco
Suicide Prevention in Schools
Annette Marcus, AOCMHP Suicide Prevention Policy Manager, wrote an article in 2019 that discusses youth suicide in Oregon. This article discusses the following points:
- Youth Suicide data in Oregon from 2019
- Data collected from schools on how they felt about their school’s suicide prevention practices
- How The Alliance and Oregon Legislature worked to provide hope, help, and healing to schools and respond to their needs around suicide prevention
Reports on Suicide Prevention in Schools
As Alliance staff are made aware of reports that are published around suicide prevention efforts in schools across Oregon, we will share them on this page.
Oregon Safe Schools & Communities Coalition published a report in 2020 that analyzed results from the 2019 Oregon Healthy Teens (OHT) survey in relation to results from the US Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBS) and the GLSEN’s 2017 National School Climate Survey. The goal of the annual OSSCC report is to help Oregon educators, advocates and community leaders identify school safety, risks, and resiliency factors for LGBT+ youth.
State of Safe Schools Report 2020: Unsafe, Unseen, Unacknowledged: Addressing Hostile Educational Conditions for LGBT Youth in Oregon
By: Oregon Safe Schools & Communities Coalition