2023 Oregon Suicide Prevention Coalition Grant Awardees

In partnership between Association of Oregon Community Mental Health Programs (AOCMHP) and Oregon Health Authority (OHA)

About the Grant

The Oregon Alliance to Prevent Suicide (the Alliance), in partnership with the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), announced one-time grants of up to $20,000 to build up infrastructure of our state’s regional suicide prevention coalitions. Applicants demonstrated: alignment with Oregon’s Suicide Prevention Framework (Framework); alignment with the Alliance’s focus on hope, help, and healing; connection to reducing health inequity; and strong rootedness in local community needs and strengths.

What’s a Coalition?

A regional suicide prevention coalition is made up of multiple local organizations who are working together with a shared region-specific focus on suicide prevention. Membership will most often include people with lived experience and local leaders from multiple sectors. Most coalitions are county-based.

List of current county Coalitions

Dustin Simmons


Rachel Mason


Funding Priority Levels

First Priority: Established suicide prevention coalitions (regional, county-based) – Including coalitions that encompass other prevention activities, but funding will be used for suicide prevention.

Second Priority: Groups interested in establishing a suicide prevention coalition – Counties or organizations that have a suicide prevention coordinator (or other similar position), but don’t have a coalition yet and will use this grant to establish a coalition.

Third Priority: Established coalitions that are focused on suicide prevention, but may not have a regional focus.

Fourth Priority: Other applicants – Will be determined based on availability of funds.

List of Grant Awardees

Coalition Name Area / Region they Cover Keywords about their Project
Jackson County Suicide Prevention Coalition (JCSPC) Jackson County Provide ASIST Trainings
Oregon Firearm Safety Coalition (OFSC) Statewide Create Caring Boxes for Oregon Gun Owners
One Community All Spirits Malheur County and Eastern Oregon Communities

Coalition Capacity Building, Community Engagement, Culturally Specific Education

Central Oregon Suicide Prevention Alliance (COSPA) Crook, Deschutes, and Jefferson Counties Central Oregon Regional Firearm Secure Storage Summit 
Josephine County Suicide Prevention Coalition Josephine County Lethal Means Reduction, providing Postvention Materials
Mid-Valley Suicide Prevention Coalition Marion and Polk Counties Coalition Capacity Building, Community Education
Veterans Stronger Together (VST) Multnomah, Washington, and Clackamas Counties Coalition Capacity and Infrastructure Building, Community Education, Collaboration with Military Crisis Line
Benton Youth Suicide Prevention Coalition Benton County Coalition Capacity Building, Coalition Recruitment, Community Engagement
Oregon Families for Safety & Wellness (ORFWA) Statewide Community Engagement, Engaging with Family Peer Supports
Linn Benton Lincoln Suicide Care Coalition Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties Coalition Capacity and Infrastructure Building
Gorge Wellness Alliance (GWA) Columbia Gorge – Hood River, Wasco, and Sherman Counties (Also some representation from Washington State Counties like Klickitat and Skamania) Youth and Community Engagement on a Youth Led and Focused Project
Network of Safety Douglas County, Umpqua Valley including Cow Creek Tribal Service area Coalition Capacity and Infrastructure Building 
Tillamook County Suicide Prevention Coalition Tillamook County Community Gatekeeper Training, Coalition Capacity and Infrastructure Building, Community Engagement Events, Cross-Organization Collaboration 
Suicide Prevention of Clackamas County Clackamas County Support members of the Clackamas County Latinx community in developing culturally specific information, training, and resources to prevent suicide
Black Youth Suicide Prevention Coalition Multnomah, Clackamas, Washington Counties Community Engagement, conduct a photovoice activity, development of a youth suicide prevention training curriculum
Union County Safe Communities Coalition Union County County-wide Assemblies for each of the Junior High / High Schools, Community Gatekeeper Trainings
Suicide Prevention Coalition of Lane County Lane County Infrastructure Building, Coalition Capacity, Increase supports for Youth
Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drug Prevention Coalition Hood River County Provide ‘Anchor Boxes’ to various public locations
Oregon Black Youth Suicide Prevention Team Statewide Creating a culturally responsive Statewide Black Youth Suicide Prevention Plan
Columbia County Suicide Prevention Taskforce Columbia County Small Steps Project, Community Gatekeeper Trainings, Adi’s Act support, Development of a social media presence