Alliance Publications

Below are documents published by Alliance Staff and members that relate to the work of the Alliance. If you would like specific information relating to media and outreach, please go here to see materials the Alliance has collected to help with safe suicide prevention messaging campaigns. 


Alliance bylaws

Revised September 2024
Discusses the responsibilities and purpose of the Alliance.


Schools Committee Purple Paper

A list of recommendations from the Alliance’s Schools Committee to both Oregon Health Authority and Oregon Department of Education. 

Schools Resource Guide

Our hope is to help make the implementation of Adi’s Act a smooth process by sharing the included resources that already exist and to provide an overview of available documents to help you walk through this process.


Alliance Suicide Prevention Equity Screening Tool

This edition of the Equity Assessment updates and expands the tool developed in 2021 for Oregon’s first Adult Suicide Intervention and Prevention Plan (ASIPP). It was designed for workgroups to assess how power in society impacts populations identified with the highest rates of suicide. We hope that the tool provides a pragmatic and incremental approach while being grounded in a commitment to social justice and liberatory practices.




LGBTQIA2S+ Youth and Suicide Public Comment Guide

The goal of this resource is to equip suicide prevention advocates with appropriate language and easy-to-access resources for providing public comment to support LGBTQIA2S+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, twospirit) affirming policies and practices.

LGBTQIA2S+ Public Comment One-Pager

A one-page document summarizing information provided in the larger Public Comment Guide along with relevant resources.  

Affirming Students through Inclusive Staff Policies: Policies For Trans & Gender Diverse Staff Belonging

Every educational institution wants to see their students thrive, and is tasked with making sure they do. This takes into account the educational perspective of succeeding in their classes, the social wellness perspective of making sure they have healthy peer relationships, and the mental health wellness perspective of a healthy self-concept and mental stability. These perspectives need to be translated to supporting the staff at educational institutions as well, which has the benefits of supporting the staff directly and supporting the students indirectly. If we want to support our queer
students and decrease suicidality we must also establish policies that support and protect our gender diverse staff.



Alliance Firearm Safety and Lethal Means Reduction Advisory Group Workplan and OHA Recommendations

The following YSIPP Initiative was identified as a focus area for Fiscal Year 2021 – 2022 and assigned to the Alliance’s Firearm Safety and Lethal Means Reduction Advisory Group, “ New Strategic Initiative for 21/22: The Alliance will create a workplan for Lethal Means work that includes safe storage, collaboration between stakeholders, and policy recommendations.” The workplan linked above is the final project for this initiative. 

Input from Oregon Gun Owners on Firearm Safety and Suicide Prevention

The objective of this project is to better understand how firearm owners communicate about and practice firearm safety. This understanding is intended to inform how best to advance cultural norms around safe storage and reduce stigma around mental health safety planning.





2019 Paper on Youth Suicide in Oregon

Annette Marcus, AOCMHP Suicide Prevention Policy Manager, wrote an article in 2019 that discusses youth suicide in Oregon. This article discusses the following points:

  • Youth Suicide data in Oregon from 2019
    Data collected from schools on how they felt about their school’s suicide prevention practices
  • How The Alliance and Oregon Legislature worked to provide hope, help, and healing to schools and respond to their needs around suicide prevention

Press Releases

Read press releases from the Alliance.