To create this updated 5-year Youth Suicide Intervention and Prevention Plan (YSIPP), input from hundreds of people with relevant lived experience, providers of behavioral health and physical health services, and experts was gathered along with data collection of evidence informed practices and a rigorous research review.
This updated plan also includes Oregon’s new Suicide Prevention Framework. While the YSIPP is a youth and young adult focused plan, this new Framework can be used for addressing suicide across the lifespan including work on Oregon’s new Adult Suicide Intervention and Prevention Plan (ASIPP) which covers ages 18 and older. This plan should be published toward the end of 2022.
The new Framework shows the new structure for how YSIPP work is categorized and how it will be addressed. The components of the Framework include:
- Strategic pillars, strategic goals, centering values and foundation — These will not change over the five-year lifespan of the plan. They are the starting point for all suicide prevention work in Oregon.
- Strategic pathways — These are not likely to change over five years and are rooted in the values and foundations. They represent measurable areas of focus and are more specific to populations or settings.
- Strategic priority initiatives — These will be adapted, adjusted and added to annually. They are specific actions designed to support the broader pathways and goals.
To stay updated with the adjusted priority initiatives, please go here.
Go here for an overview and explanation of the Oregon Suicide Prevention Framework.
Suicide prevention is everyone’s business. If we are going to make a difference for our youth, we need each other. Our collective impact will make the difference. Our work focuses on the following key areas:
- Organizing our current infrastructure
- Addressing equity gaps
- Adding culturally responsive programming and treatment options
- Addressing workforce issues
- Finding meaningful ways to integrate the voices of youth and those with relevant lived experience into our work
YSIPP Publications:
See the first Oregon Youth Suicide Intervention and Prevention Plan.
2021 Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
2023 Annual Report
Recent Annual Reports
2022 Annual Report
In this report, you will read about a decreasing trend in youth suicide for 2021. Oregon has experienced a 26% reduction in the youth suicide rate between 2018 and 2021. Oregon’s state ranking also moved from the 11th highest in 2018 to the 22nd highest in 2021. While Oregon has moved closer to the national average (11.0 per 100,000 in 2021), its youth suicide rate is still higher (12.4 per 100,000 in 2021). With this positive news, it is important to note that not all communities, counties or races and ethnicities experienced that decrease. Nearly all of these decreases are for youth who identify as white (this includes some young people who are multiracial with white as one of their racial identities). For Black and African American, American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian, Hispanic, and multi-racial young people, suicide deaths between 2018 and 2021 remained similar or increased.
2021 Annual Report
This is the first time since 2001 that Oregon has had a three year decrease in youth suicide fatalities (24 and under). While this is positive news, it is important to note that some counties in Oregon did not see this overall decrease in youth suicide in 2021 and Oregon remains above the national average for youth suicide rates. This good news is also wrapped in the context of big challenges for so many in Oregon. There is so much more to do to create safety for our children and young people.
The Oregon Suicide Prevention Framework is a big part of this plan. OHA developed this framework with the University of Oregon Suicide Prevention Lab under the leadership of Dr. John Seeley. It is grounded in the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention and the CDC Technical Package for Suicide Prevention. The framework was also informed by the San Diego Suicide Prevention Plan and hundreds of pieces of feedback from collaborators and partners across Oregon.