Legislative Sessions
The Alliance supports Legislative change to bolster suicide prevention policies and practices across Oregon by advising the Oregon Health Authority on policy priorities. Alliance members and staff contribute valuable expertise and background information to identify and prioritize various pieces of legislation that are discussed in the Oregon Legislature.
The 2021 Legislative Session has ended and you can go here to see a snapshot of our priorities and how we engaged with legislators and different pieces of legislation.
We are already planning for future legislative sessions. If you would like to be engaged in this work, email Jenn Fraga at jfraga@aocmhp.org.
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) separates their policy and advocacy into areas in which they will lead, collaborate and explore. During the March 2020 quarterly meeting, the Alliance membership reviewed this approach and found it to be a helpful way to guide future policy and advocacy work. The table below is based on:
Lead – issues on which Alliance will play a leadership role – developing the policy position, marshaling support, and generating advocacy activity
Collaborate – issues on which Alliance will work as part of a coalition or group, providing active support to achieve these important policy objectives
Explore – issues that are rising in importance and require further exploration or policy research and analysis, but have not yet become Alliance policy proposals
legislative policy – lead
Directs Oregon Health Authority to develop list of suicide risk assessment and treatment continuing education opportunities for specified physical health care providers. Requires authority to develop continuing education opportunities if none exist. Alliance Workforce Committee will take the lead.
In 2024 the, Oregon Department of Justice clarified for OHA advisory groups the limits of their statutory authority. As a result, the Alliance no longer sponsors legislation but will continue to make recommendations to OHA regarding policy and funding priorities.
legislative policy – collaborate
Establishes Adult Suicide Prevention Coordinator within Oregon Health Authority. OHA is taking the lead on this legislative concept.
Authorizes federal firearms licensee or other person to enter into firearm hold agreement with firearm owner. Provides immunity from liability for person who takes possession of firearm pursuant to firearm hold agreement. Requires that training course for concealed handgun license include use of firearm hold agreements for firearm suicide prevention. Provides that transfer of firearm pursuant to firearm hold agreement is exempt from private transfer criminal background check requirement. The Oregon Firearm Safety Coalition is taking the lead.