Suicide Prevention Funding

The Oregon Health Authority and Association of Oregon Community Mental Health Programs partnered to award grant funding to groups across the state. See below for information on the 3 different grants.

Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition Grant

OHA has provided 1-year mini-grants totaling $251,450 to 13 entities to support local suicide prevention coalitions and their efforts. This grant remains open for suicide prevention coalitions to apply until November 16th or until all funds are awarded. The 13 grantees, counties covered, and a high level summary of their grant projects can be found by going here.

Coalition Grantees


Zero Suicide Grant

OHA has provided 1-year mini-grants totaling $139,737 to five entities to support implementation of suicide safer care activities. The mini-grant recipients are:

  1. Marion County Health and Human Services ($20,600) will utilize funds to train health and behavioral health staff in use of Dialectical Behavioral Health skills to increase confidence and competence of staff to provide these skills in engaging and treating individuals in service at risk of suicide.
  2. Multnomah County Health Department ($34,989) is using funds to launch Zero Suicide implementation efforts in their Behavioral Health Division to support adults with serious mental illness they serve.
  3. Providence Health and Services ($16,998) will rollout trainings and establish procedures in depression screening, suicide risk screening and crisis safety planning in select specialty clinics.
  4. Samaritan Health Services, Inc. ($35,000) will focus on specific suicide care for older adults and adults with serious mental illness through enhancement of their suicide care policy, staff training and strengthening of the Linn Benton Lincoln Suicide Care Coalition.
  5. Wallowa Valley Center for Wellness ($32,150) will focus on increasing suicide and mental health support to Service Members, Veterans and their Families by helping fund a Veteran Peer Support Specialist to allow for increased engagement with this community. WVCW will also provide training developed for this community to build a network of community members to help refer families and friends for help when they may be at risk of suicide. 

Older Adults in Rural Communities Grant

OHA’s CDC Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Grant is supporting adult suicide prevention efforts including a focus on adults living in rural communities and older adults. As part of this grant, OHA will provide $84,000 for 1-year grants ranging from $8,000 – $15,000 to organizations with projects aimed at increasing social connection and decreasing isolation focused on older adult Oregonians living in rural and remote communities. This funding opportunity encourages creativity and unique approaches to suicide prevention to match the specific needs of local communities across Oregon. Applications for this funding are currently being reviewed and awards will be made by the beginning of Oct. 2023.