Suicide Prevention Policy Manager
Annette is the Suicide Prevention Policy Manager at AOCMHP and staffs the Oregon Alliance to Prevent Suicide. Annette believes that, while the topic of suicide is difficult to talk about, working to prevent suicide is fundamentally about creating a culture and systems that support wellness. Previously, she was Regional Director with Oregon Family Support Network in Lane County, and a Regional Director of Strategies, which provided statewide training and technical assistance in the field of family support and child abuse prevention in California.
Annette has spent her career working to prevent child abuse, to strengthen families, and to promote a culture of healing and connection. She was a co-writer of the nationally recognized Standards for Quality Family Support Practice and co-founder of the National Network for Family Support. Annette is an appointed member of OHA’s Children System Advisory Council, School Safety Taskforce, and serves on the board of the Trauma Healing Project. She is the main point person for Alliance related activities and oversees the statewide Connect Postvention Program which is managed by Kris Bifulco.
Annette is Staff to the following Alliance Subcommittees and Workgroups: Executive Subcommittee, Schools Subcommittee, Workforce Subcommittee, Equity Subcommittee, Coalition Leaders Network, and the LGBTQ+ Workgroup.
Suicide Prevention Program Coordinator
Jennifer is the Suicide Prevention Program Coordinator with AOCMHP and staffs the Oregon Alliance to Prevent Suicide. Jenn started with The Alliance in January 2020 with the hope of being able to use her lived experience to influence positive and lasting change in suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention work. Her professional experience includes direct care at a transitional age youth group home, crisis response in an emergency department, and policy and program compliance management for Youth Villages Oregon, a statewide nonprofit organization. She helped implement Zero Suicide initiatives at Youth Villages, is a Board Member for the Oregon Chapter of the American foundation for suicide prevention, and active on the Suicide Prevention Coalition of Clackamas County. Jenn is an attempt survivor and wants to use her story to spread hope, help, and healing.
Jenn is staff to the following Alliance Subcommittees: Data & Evaluation Subcommittee, Lethal Means Safety Subcommittee, Transitions of Care Subommittee, and is the contact for youth and young adult engagement.