Directs Professional Boards to Report Completion of Continuing Education Units on Suicide Risk Assessment, Management, and Treatment to the Oregon Health Authority

This bill requires professional behavioral health and healthcare licensing boards (see bill for complete list of boards) to adopt rules that require those licensed within the board to report completed continuing education units (CEUs)  that train on suicide risk assessment, management, and treatment.
The professional licensing boards must document the following information:
• The number of licensees who complete certain CEUs
• The percentage of the total of all licensees who complete CEUs
• The counties that CEUs were completed in
• Any contact information the licensee is okay with sharing
Professional licensing boards report this information along with any initiatives to to promote suicide risk assessment, treatment, and management to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA)  who provides the gathered information to the Legislative Assembly.

A list of courses is listed on OHA’s website

 HB 3090

What Emergency Departments are Required to do with Patients seen for a Mental Health Crisis and their Families

This bill requires hospitals with emergency departments to adopt and implement policies for those who discharge after being seen for a behavioral health crisis. Information about the adoption and implementation of policies will be sent to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA).

At a minimum, policies should include the following:
• Encouraging the patient to sign a Release of Information (ROI) and designate a lay caregiver 
• A requirement for behavioral health assessments to be completed
• A requirement to assess long-term needs of patients that include at least the following: the patient’s need for community based services, their capacity for self-care, and the extent that the patient can be adequately cared for where they live at the time they presented at the emergency department
• A process to deliberately coordinate patient’s care that includes one or more of the following: notification to the primary care provider, a referral to other providers like peer support, follow-up with the patient after they are released from the emergency department, or a creation and transmission of a plan of care with the patient and other provider
• A case management process that includes an assessment of the patient’s medical, functional and psycho-social needs. This may include an inventory of resources and supports that are recommended by a behavioral health clinician that were indicated by an assessment and agreed upon by the patient
• A process for caring contacts to be completed between the patient and a provider or follow-up services so the patient is able to successfully transition to outpatient services. Caring contacts may be facilitated through contracts with a qualified community-based behavioral health provider or through a suicide prevention hotline; these may be conducted in person, through tele-medicine, or by phone; if possible, these must be attempted within 48 hours of release if a behavioral health clinician determined the patient attempted suicide or experienced suicidal ideation 
• A process to schedule a follow-up appointment with a clinician within seven calendar days that the patient is released from the emergency department. If this is not able to be done within seven days, the hospital must document why

More information on this can be found on DIY Advocacy Center’s website


HB 3091

Expands the Scope of Emergency Services covered by Group Health Insurance Policies to cover Specified Behavioral Health Services

This bill requires specified facilities to provide case management and care coordination of behavioral health services and for these to be covered by both commercial health insurance plans and the Oregon Health Plan.

At a minimum, Care Coordination and Case Management must include:
• A risk assessment with safety plans and lethal means counseling if appropriate
• A determination of the patient’s clinical needs and recommendations for medically appropriate care
• Follow-up through Caring Contacts
• Recommendations to the patient, lay caregiver, and healthcare provider as well as information on how to access services
• An explanation of what crisis stabilization planning and patient centered care looks like
• Identifying a point person to provide care coordination

• Creation of a plan for transitioning care with the patient and lay caregiver that is provided to the patient’s healthcare provider and care team

More information on this can be found on DIY Advocacy Center’s website.