Highlights of Alliance Activities from 2020


Legislative Activity and Administrative Rules

• Partnered with American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in January to meet with majority of Oregon legislators or their staff to highlight policy needs to prevent suicide
• Submitted legislative concept for 2021 session that will require behavioral health workforce to receive continuing education on suicide prevention, intervention and management. Rep. Salinas agreed to be the lead sponsor and invited Alliance to testify at the House Behavioral Health Committee during Legislative Days
• Partnered with Lines for Life to submit legislative concept to include children under age 10 in the statewide suicide prevention plan (YSIPP)
• Provided feedback to ODE on OAR’s for Adi’s Act, SB52. Alliance youth and members with lived experience advocated for rules to address communication between schools and health systems
• Provided feedback on OAR’s for postvention legislation (SB485 and SB918)


In 2024 the DOJ clarified for OHA advisory groups the limits of their statutory authority. As a result, the Alliance no longer sponsors legislation but will continue to make recommendations to OHA regarding policy and funding priorities.


Advising the Oregon Health Authority and other State Agencies on strategies and to address suicide intervention and prevention and Development of 5-Year YSIPP

• Lethal Means Access workgroup advised Lines for Life and OHA to conduct focus groups with firearm owners to inform how best to advance cultural norms around safe storage and reduce stigma around mental health safety planning. The resulting report Oregon Gun Owners on Firearm Safety and Suicide Prevention outlines 6 recommendations and resulted in formation of Oregon Firearm Owners Gun Safety Coalition
• Monitored implementation of HB 2023, 3090, and 3091, identified barriers and made a request for OHA to resurvey hospitals
• Submitted letters to OHA and Rep. Keny-Guyer mapping system challenges (see graphic below) in monitoring and supporting transitions of care legislation and recommendations to improve implementation
• Provided recommendations for new and continued Alliance membership appointments
• Co-developed LGBTQ mini-grant application and review process to create low-barrier access to support during COVID crisis
• Advised OHA staff on development of an adult suicide prevention plan
• Submitted letter to OHA and legislators supporting recommendations of OHA’s 2020 SB48 report
• Made recommendations to OHA for new and continued Membership Appointments
• With additional staff support, increased involvement in Alliance by youth and young adults
• Collaborated with UO Suicide Prevention Lab and OHA regarding the structure, themes and priorities of next YSIPP. Informed recommendations in YSIPP by connecting lab with key informants across state and focus groups with Alliance members and affiliates
• Strengthened partnerships to ensure Alliance advice and policy work is informed by subject matter experts and people with lived experience. (AOCMHP, Lines for Life, AFSP, Youth ERA, Oregon Family Support Network, University of Oregon, Basic Rights Oregon)
• Advocated for and received funding for Alliance to conduct focused work to address racism and equity in suicide prevention efforts and amplify perspectives of BIPOC, Disabled, Frontier, Rural communities
• Advised ODE/OHA and helped develop resources and guidance for schools develop suicide prevention plans that comply with the law and the spirit of Adis’ Act, SB52
• Staff/Members represent Alliance on School Safety Task Force, State Health Improvement Plan, Children’s System Advisory Council


Communications, Capacity Building and Connecting the Field to Decrease Fragmentation of Efforts and Prevent Suicide

• Strengthened partnerships with key organizations to inform policy work and promote effective practice. (Lines for Life, AFSP Partnership, ODE, Youth ERA, Oregon Family Support Network, University of Oregon Community Mental Health Programs, Oregon Pediatric Society)
• Conducted six webinars for regional suicide coalitions to provide guidance re safe messaging during COVID, increase communication and collaboration between local and state efforts and share effective suicide prevention efforts across Oregon
• Presented LGBTQ+ mini-grant project for n Prevention Institute’s national webinar: Promoting Connectedness for Trauma and Suicide Prevention.
• Promote the Big 7 suicide prevention training initiatives and engage in learning community
• Complete media kit available to regional coalitions to promote safe messaging in the media about suicide, support policy work of Alliance and amplify stories of hope, help and healing*